Our Future Home

We Are A Church
That Gives Itself Away

Our Concern

What bothers and drives us?


We believe that humanity is broken and fragmented.

Our Cause

How do we address this concern?


To experience and express the essence of Jesus Christ


Who We Are

Grace Chapel started with a vision to “Give Itself Away”.

We want every resource we have to be used to benefit the surrounding community. So that more and more people will come to “Experience and Express the essence of Jesus!”

I remember coming to Grace Chapel for the first time in 2004. We felt so loved and welcomed that Grace instantly became a home for us. Home is where you feel like you’re part of a family and belong to something special. Just like we felt fourteen years ago, we continue to hear people say over and over again, “Grace just feels like home”.

-Pastor Mike Tatlock

Our hope is that more and more people will come to

Experience and Express
the essence of Jesus!

Kingdom Moments

Stories About What God Is Doing In And Through Grace Chapel

Drafis Santer

Amy & Ryan Burglehaus

Ryan, Amanda & Brady Renner

We want every resource we have to be used to

benefit our community

What Is For The Kingdom About?


The Bible tells us that as Jesus traveled from one place of worship to another,

“[The] Kingdom was his theme”. Then, as word spread through the entire region, “People brought anybody with an ailment, whether mental, emotional, or physical. Jesus healed them, one and all. More and more people came, the momentum gathering” (Matthew 4:23-25 MSG).

“For The Kingdom” is about aligning ourselves with this theme and mission of Jesus.
We are called to bring the values of the kingdom to intersect with the brokenness of our world.

A Multi-Purpose Space


Plans are underway to construct a 38,000 square foot space.
This will involve renovating an existing two- story, 20,000 square foot building and adding to it a 18,000 square foot lobby and multi-purpose worship space, doubling as a sports court.

Grace Chapel started with a vision to “Give Itself Away”. We want every resource we have, including our meeting space to be used to benefit the surrounding community, not just Grace Chapel and we are excited to finally have a permanent facility to call “home”. As we have seen with our Heart of the City outreach center, having a permanent meeting place in our community will make it possible to expand how we serve the community so that more people than ever before will come to “Experience and Express the essence of Jesus”!

Justice and Compassion Initiatives

Resources from our For The Kingdom generosity initiative will be commited to the following projects to make a difference in people's lives both domestically and internationally.

We Believe This Facility Will Accomplish These Things:


More people will hear the gospel and experience the love of Jesus


It will enhance the experience for teens and children within our church and city


It will give our ministries and our city multi-purpose spaces for gatherings


It will provide a permanent and visible presence in our region


It will create more accessibility for more people to experience our weekend gatherings

One Fund


During this two year period every aspect of Grace Chapel will be included in One Fund.

One Fund will fully resource the ministry, mission and projects of Grace Chapel as a church, in the community, and in the world.

We are asking everyone to do two things:


Pray about your level of involvement


Come to a decision about your financial commitment to give to the overall mission of Grace Chapel for the next two years.

Our primary goal is

100% Participation

How You Can Help

As you look at the giving ladder below, we are asking you to consider how you can take a next step in your generosity.


I give beyond my tithe to Grace Chapel.


Percentage Giver

I faithfully give 10% of my income.


Consistent Giver

I give consistently, but less than 10%.


First Time Giver

I intend to give to Grace Chapel for the first time.


Copyright 2020 - Grace Chapel